Sunday, March 1, 2015

"He's more machine now than Lamb. Twisted & evil"

Another picture from many a year ago. Specifically the month of October in the year 2000 and diggity twelve.  The brief was to draw a girl and a robot.  Result was this pic inspired by the old New Zealand country school tradition of Lamb and Calf day.  For overseas people (or townies) who have no idea what I talking about, this event involves kids entering their pet lambs and calves in a contest which I suppose could be described as a rustic Crufts dog show for sheep and cattle.

And before you ask, the answer is no - there is no swimsuit section.

Monday, February 23, 2015

"The Night of the Living Don Quixote"

Started this picture of Don Quixote fighting the windmill giants ages ago.  Semi finished it but never really liked it. In fact it made me feel ill to stomach to think I had created such an abomination to nature. So I whacked it over the back of the head with a mouse pointer and buried it in a shallow unmarked folder deep in the forest of my unwanted computer files.
A year or so passed. Felt like wandering around my computer file system to visit old haunts and eventually wandered into the forest. Came across the place where I buried the abomination of Don Quixote.  Remembered what I did and felt the pangs of guilt. Just happened to have a spade with me so I dug it up ,washed the mud off and took it back to my Photoshop cottage. Then over the period of a few nights and a day or so, I Frankensteined the picture back together in a totally different way. And now here it is: stuck out on the blog front porch to scare dogs and wandering hobos.
Not so hating of it any more. Might take a trip back out to that forest someday to see what other corpses I can reanimate.