Well, I'm back.
It seems like only several months ago that I posted something on this blog. My oh my. Doesn't time fly when you're doing diddly squat with your spare time.
So what's new?
Well the biggest news is I got me a brand sparkly new computer, which looks something like this...
This means I
might actually be updating this blog a bit more often. (Please note the word
MIGHT. The above sentence is by no means a contract or a promise so you can't sue me if you don't see me post anything for the next 5 years.)
One of the first mediocre pictures I did on my new wonder abacus was a picture for the crew of popular Discovery show "
Mythbusters". Apparently co-host Adam Savage is a huge fan of
Weta. So he sent us a bunch of
Mythbusters T Shirts and autographed Postcards.
"Awfully nice of the chap" I thought. "How can I repay his kindness? I know! I'll draw him an incredibly mediocre picture so he'll end up hating us & never contact us ever again!"
A few chaps from the workshop were due to meet up with Adam at Comic Con. Out of this group, I selected model maker extraordinaire Dave
Tremont to be the unfortunate bearer of my aforementioned piece of mediocrity.
Here, in all it's blandness, is this image.
Children, pregnant women and weak stomached people - look away now.
Unfortunately, it looks like I failed my mission. Adam and the Mythbusters gang liked my picture.
Yet another failure to add to my list.